Nova Canvas Help


List of all available tools that can be used in toolbar.


Toolbar name: format

Dropdown menu for changing the format of selected text, options include:

  • Paragraph | p

  • Heading 1 | h1

  • Heading 2 | h2

  • Heading 3 | h3


Heading 1

Toolbar name: heading1

Toggle the selected text to a h1.

Heading 2

Toolbar name: heading2

Toggle the selected text to a h2.

Heading 3

Toolbar name: heading3

Toggle the selected text to a h3.


Toolbar name: blockquote

Insert a blockquote.

Code block

Toolbar name: codeBlock

Insert a code block.

Syntax highlighting

Uses Lowlight for automatic syntax highlighting, you will need to include the CSS on your applications front-end. Canvas uses GitHub dark in the editor itself.


Toolbar name: image

Insert an image.

Read more about configuring image uploads here.

Text styling


Toolbar name: bold

Toggle the selected text to bold.


Toolbar name: italic

Toggle the selected text to italic.


Toolbar name: strikethrough

Toggle the selected text to strikethrough.


Toolbar name: underline

Toggle the selected text to underline.

Clear formatting

Toolbar name: clearFormat

Clear any text styling that has been applied.

Text alignment

Align left

Toolbar name: alignLeft

Align the selected text to the left.

Align center

Toolbar name: alignCenter

Align the selected text to the center.

Align right

Toolbar name: alignRight

Align the selected text to the right.


Ordered list

Toolbar name: orderedList

Insert an ordered list.

Bullet list

Toolbar name: bulletList

Insert a bullet point list.



Toolbar name: undo

Undo the previous action.


Toolbar name: redo

Redo the next action.


Show source

Toolbar name: showSource

Toggle displaying the source as HTML.

Note that you cannot currently edit the source while in this view, it's intended for preview purposes only.


Toolbar name: separator

Purely visual divider, can be used in the toolbar to separate sets of tools.

Last modified: 24 November 2024