Nova Canvas Help


Configure the toolbar using the ->toolbar(...) method, passing an array or comma-separated list of tools.

Canvas::make('Content') ->toolbar('format,|,bold,italic'), // Or ... ->toolbar(['format', '|', 'bold', 'italic']),

Use | or separator to add a visual divider between tools.

Read more about the available tools here.

Using presets

In-addition to manually passing a list of options you can also define a reusable preset. This can be done by updating config/nova-canvas.php and adding a new option under toolbars:

// In config/nova-canvas.php return [ 'toolbars' => [ 'default' => [ /* ... */ ], 'my-preset' => ['format', 'image'], ], ]; // In your Nova resource fields Canvas::make('Content') ->toolbar('my-preset'),

Note that the default preset must always be defined, this is used as the default when no override is specified.

Last modified: 22 July 2024